How to Cancel Galileo PNR: There are a few points to remember regarding canceling segments. Any flight or flights that you sell directly after you cancel a segment automatically replace the canceled segment. This continues until you display the Booking File (*R) and Galileo renumbers the segments in the itinerary. This can be important when you cancel a
flight in the middle of an itinerary.
How to Cancel Galileo PNR
The function identifier to cancel flights is: X
To cancel a segment, enter the function identifier followed by the segment number. Example entry: X1
Galileo responds with NEXT REPLACES 1 in the Booking File.
Note: NEXT REPLACES 1 means that the next segment you sell becomes segment
number 1.
Galileo Quick Reference Guide | Galileo GDS Commands
To cancel an entire itinerary, enter the function identifier followed by the letter I.
Example entry: XI
Galileo responds with ITINERARY CANCELLED in the Booking File.
Cancelling and Rebooking
In Galileo, you can cancel and rebook a flight in a single entry. The following table
lists the most frequently used entries
To cancel: | Use this format: |
Segment 1 and rebook in a different class of service | @1/V |
Segment 2 and rebook same flight for a different date | @2/23JUN |
Segments 1 and 2 and rebook same flights for a different date. | @1-2/24JUN |
Air segments only | XA |
It is also possible to change the number of seats booked when creating a Booking File. Using the Entry @1/2 change segment 1 to 2 seats, or @A/3 change all segments to 3 seats.
This entry must be performed prior to ending the booking.

Example Entry: @1/2

Note: This function is not available with all airlines and you may receive an error