Galileo Quick Reference Guide | Galileo Gds Commands

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Galileo Quick Reference Guide | Galileo Gds Commands

Sign on at own office SON/ followed by Z and a 1 to 3 character I.D.; the I.D. can beSON/Z217 or
initials, a number or a combination of bothSON/ZHA
Sign on at branch agency SON/ followed by Z, own pseudo city code and a 1 to 3
character I.D.
Sign on at 4 character PCC branch agency SON/ followed by Z, own pseudo city code,
second delimiter and 1 to 3 character I.D.
Change to work area BSB
Change to work area A; different duty code TA (Training)SA/TA
Sign back into all work areas at own officeSAI/ZHA
Sign back into all work areas at branch agency; SAI/ followed by Z, own pseudo city
code and a 1 to 3 character I.D

Temporary sign out; incomplete Booking Files must be ignored or completedSAO
Sign off; incomplete Booking Files must be ignored or completedSOF
Sign off override (at own office); incomplete transactions are not protectedSOF/ZHA
Sign off override (at branch agency); incomplete transactions are not protected; SOF/
followed by Z, own pseudo city code and a 1 to 3 character I.D.
Designate origin city for availabilityHMCT–LHR/A
Set preference for North American availability display for Apollo basicHMCT–B/NAAV
Set preference for North American availability display for Apollo basicHMCT–E/NAAV
Set preference for North American availability display as GalileoHMCT–G/NAAV
Set preference for Non-North American availability display as Apollo ECACHMCT–E/NNAV
Set preference for Non-North American availability display as GalileoHMCT–G/NNAV
Designate origin city for phone fieldHMCT–IBZ/P.
Designate origin city for tariff and rules displaysHMCT–GOA/FD
Designate origin city for multiple fieldsHMCT–GOA/FD
Display CRT initialisation for assumed cities and carrierHMCT
Cancel all assumed city initialisationsHMCTX
Display times used in flight segments using 24 hour clockHMCT@24/LT
Display times used in flight segments using 12 hour clockHMCT@12/LT

Note: Each CRT and screen (A, B, C, D and E) may be initialised differently. For best results, verify CRT
initialisation (HMCT) at the start of each day

Display index of all subjects beginning with the letter MHELP M or H/M
Display help page for specific function eg. OSI (max. 4 characters)H/OSI
Display applicable help page after an error responseH/
Redisplay last inputH*
Display direct help for ticketing (using function identifier)H/T.
Activate work area C in lessons modeSC/CI
List all available coursesC.A.I.
Display list of lessons in course 35TC35
Access course 35, lesson 3TL35/3
Access course 35, lesson 3, page 215TP35/3/215
List topics in lessonTP LIST
Repeat current topic; return to previous page after temporary sign offTP REPEAT
Redisplay last page in lessonTP
Display current page in C.A.I. lessonTPNBR
Temporary sign off without losing place in lesson; TP REPEAT returns to same placeBOCI
Sign out of C.A.I. lessonBSOCI
Change from work area C in lesson mode to live system with duty code AG (entry
must follow BSOCI or BOCI)
Send message to CAI authors (max. 4 lines)TPMSG FREE TEXT

Move to bottom of displayMB
Move to top of displayMT
Move downMD
Moves down, but only displays remaining lines on last displayMR
Move upMU
Move down 4 lines (maximum 99)MD4
Move up 21 lines (maximum 99)MU21
Redisplay current screenMDØ

Note: The Scroll commands above are not applicable to all Galileo system functions. In particular, Cars, Hotels, TIMATIC and Availability have their own scrolling commands

Sold on free sales basisFS
Have sold – inventory adjustedHS
If not holding…needIN
If not holding…sellIS
If holding…cancelIX
Waitlist requestLL
Need specified segment or the alternateNA
Need requestNN
Cancel if following requested segment is availableOX
Cancel without generating messageXK
Cancel confirmed/requested SSR, seat data etcXX
Sell (sold within this transaction)SS
Have cancelled (By Airline)HX
Confirming bookingKK
Confirming from waitlistKL
No action taken (No Inventory held)NO
Holds confirmed; advise client of new timingsTK
Waitlisted; advise client of new timingsTL
Requested; advise client of new timingsTN
Unable – segment closedUC
Unable – vendor cannot supply serviceUN
Unable to sell-vendor cannot accept request, have waitlistedUS
Unable – vendor cannot confirm, have waitlistedUU
Confirmed outside Galileo system. No message sent when cancelledAK
Waitlisted outside Galileo system. No message sent when cancelledAL
Requested outside Galileo system. No message sent when cancelledAN
Booked outside Galileo system – messages still sent and receivedBK
Waitlisted outside Galileo system – messages still sent and receivedBL
Requested outside Galileo system – messages still sent and receivedBN
Holds confirmedHK
Holds waitlistedHL
Have requestedHN
Pending need – awaiting confirmationPN

One surname, numeric optionalN.1GETTINI/RMR
Multiple names, same surnameN.3MAYA/RMR/DMRS/PMR
Create an infant nameN.I/JOHNSON/PAULAMISS*DOB01JAN98
Change names 5 and 6N.P5–6@2ALONGI/MMRS/CMR
Change name 3 (an infant) to another infant nameN.P3@I/BLACK/ISABELMISS*DOB14APR98
Change name 2 to SmithN.P2@SMITH/JMR
Display all airlines which do NOT allow name changesON*
Delete first nameN.P1@
Delete names 2, 3 and 4N.P2–4@
Display all names*N
Group nameN.G/5ØSKITOUR
Change group nameN.G/@5ØBEACHTOUR
Delete group nameN.G/@
Display names in group*N
Group name with name remarkN.G/5ØSKITOUR*REMARK
Change name remarkN.G/@*CHANGE REMARK
Delete name remarkN.G/@*

Note: When a group booking is created a GRPS SSR is automatically transmitted to the airline at end transaction. Names can only be added after retrieval of the BF. Group fare information must also be added i.e., SI.SSRGRPF ZZ FREE TEXT. See Manual SSRs (page BF25).

Create a name remark at the same time as entering nameN.LUGON/TMR*FREE TEXT
Same name remark refers to all names in this name itemN.3MAYA/RMRREMARK/BMR/CMS*
Add multiple names with different name remarksN.2HUGHES/AMISSCHD6YRS/KMSTRCHD3YRS
The asterisk after the second name item will copy the remarks in the first name itemN.PERCIVAL/CMISSFREE TEXT+N.1SKERRATT/SMISS
Add name remarks on selected passenger in a multiple name itemN3.PERCIVAL/CMISS/BMR*REMARK/KMRS
Create Infant name with name remarksN.I/BROWN/MARSHAMISS*DOB12JUN97
Add name remark to the first nameN.P1@*FREE TEXT
Add name remarks to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th namesN.P2–4@*FREE TEXT
Change existing name remark for name 1N.P1@*NEW FREE TEXT
Change existing name remark for names 2, 3 and 4N.P2–4@*FREE TEXT
Delete name remark for name 1N.P1@*
Create business number with assumed set cityP.B*Ø793 888184
Create Zurich business telephone contact with extension numberP.ZRHB*5Ø8Ø42X 2184
Create Rome travel agency number with agent’s
P.ROMT*8Ø8 422–316Ø–OLGA
Create Rome travel agency number with agent’s
P.LONA *Ø81–372–9878 X372
No Paris telephone contact numberP.PARN
Phone Field Codes
Travel agentT*
No contactN*
Telephone number not knownP*
Change the only phone item to the business number 4Ø8365 5345P.@LONB*4Ø8 365–5345
Change third phone item to the home number 1234 56 789ØP.3@PARH*1234 56 68 9Ø
Insert after the first phone item, a business number in BrusselsP./1BRUB*312 889–1345
Insert Travel Agency number as first item, using terminal location city as defaultP./ØT*Ø7189Ø2165
Delete the only phone contact itemP.@
Delete fourth phone itemP.4@
Delete phone fields 1 through 3 and 5P.1–3.5@
Display phone items*P

Minimum input to indicate that booking is ticketedT.T*
Ticket number of document with date and place of issueT.T*1253241234841 ISSUED ROM 24JUL98
Time Limit; ticketing at FCO (airport location issuing ticket) by ZZ (Vendor issuing ticket) at Ø83Ø on 17MAY (time and date ticket to be issued)T.TLFCO/ZZØ83Ø/17MAY
Place BF on Galileo assigned Q1Ø for automatic ticketing on 1ØFEBT.TAU/1ØFEB
Place BF on Galileo assigned Q1Ø for automatic ticketing on 1ØFEB; includes free textT.TAU/1ØFEB*FREE TEXT
Place BF on Galileo assigned Q1Ø for automatic ticketing on 1ØFEB; includes free textT.TAU/DM5/6FEB
Place BF on Galileo assigned Q1Ø of branch DM5 for automatic ticketing on 6FEB; includes free textT.TAU/DM5/6FEB
Assign an in house account code (IBMØØ1) – six
characters to BF on 17 FEB, for subsequent manual move to queue
Assign an in house account code (BVRDVM) to BF on 17 FEB to branch DM5, for subsequent manual move to queue; includes free textT.TAW/DM5/17FEB/BVRDVM*FREE TEXT
Assign a specific time to the BF for subsequent manual move to queueT.TAW/17FEB/16ØØ
Change ticketing field; with free textT.@TAU/Ø8MAR*FREE TEXT
Change ticketing field; with free textT.@TAW/21JUL/15ØØ
Delete ticketing fieldT.@

Note: Refer also to pages BF 9-10 for Online Record Count and Move functions and next page for the Review Booking File function.

Enter passport information for passenger 2 including ISO country code, passport number, expiry date and free textPI.P2/P/GB/B876597/12JAN99*FREE TEXT
Enter passport information for passengers 1 through 3PI.P1–3/P/AU/B9234/18MAR99*FREE TEXT
Enter passport information for passengers 1 and 3PI.P1.3/P/AU/B9832/18APR99*FREE TEXT
Enter visa information for passenger 1 including ISO country code, visa number, expiry date or open, passport number and free textPI.P1/V/AU/76654654/OPEN/A1234556*FREE TEXT
Enter visa information for passengers 1 through to 3PI.P1–3/V/US/8347646/19JAN99/A654321*FREE
Change the second visa item to US99776B 12JAN99PI.2@V/US/99776B/12JAN99/B12345
Delete ALL Passenger InformationPI.ALL@
Delete items 1 and 3PI.1.3@
Display Passenger Information*PI
Display Passenger Information specifically for passport*PIP
Display Passenger Information specifically for visa*PIV

Passenger Information for the storage of Passport and Visa information.
(Max. 87 characters; max. items 99 per Booking File)
Storage of the Passenger Information is allowed in Client Files.

It is not possible to change an individual sub field. If a passengers name is changed the Passenger Information will be automatically cancelled.

The complete Passenger Information field or items within the field may be deleted.

Create a Review Booking File item, defaults to own
branch, todays date at Ø7ØØ and to queue 12
Create a Review Booking File item with specified date, defaults to own branch at Ø7ØØ and to queue 12RB.Ø9OCT
Create a Review Booking File item with specified time, defaults to own branch, todays date and to queue 12RB.153Ø
Create a Review Booking File item with specified queue, defaults to own branch, todays date at Ø7ØØRB.Q41
Create a Review Booking File item with text, defaults to own branch, todays date at Ø7ØØ and to queue 12RB.*FREE TEXT
Place BF on Queue 26 of agency XXØ on 24SEP at 153ØRB.XXØ/24SEP/153Ø/Q26*FREE TEXT
Create two Review Booking File items for own branch at Ø93Ø on Ø1FEB for queue 41 and queue 43 with different textRB.Ø1FEB/Ø93Ø/Q41FREE TEXT/Q43MORE TEXT
Create three Review Booking File items for own branch, today at 13ØØ for queue 12, queue 29 and queue 44 with the same textRB.13ØØ/Q12.Q29.Q44*FREE TEXT
Change Review Booking File item number 3 to place BF on Q25 of agency XX0 on 10FEB with textRB.3@XXØ/1ØFEB/Q25*FREE TEXT
Change the review date of Review Booking File item 1 to 1ØJUL , with all other fields unchangedRB.@1/1ØJUL
Delete Review Booking File item number 3RB.3@
Delete Review Booking File item numbers 4 through 6RB.4–6@
Delete all Review Booking File itemsRB.ALL@
Delete Review Booking File item number 1 and add item to place BF on queue 26 of agency XXØ with textRB.1@XXØ/1ØFEB/Q26*FREE TEXT
Display Review Booking File items*RB

Note: See also the following page for counting and moving BFs.

Note: When an agency pseudo city is specified in any Review Booking File entry it must always be accompanied by a date

Count BFs with ticketing arrangement TAW for 11NOVORC/TAW/11NOV
Count BFs with ticketing arrangement TAU for 11 JANORC/TAU/11JAN
Count BFs with RB field for 22 DECORC/RB/22DEC
Branch officeAH3
Agent user sign-on initials of BF creator (2 Alpha chars.) RB counts only/MJ
Destination queue number – RB counts only/Q41
Account Name/ACCNME
Date range/11JAN*15JAN
Count BFs for branch GL2 with ticketing arrangement TAW at 17ØØ for 11JANORC/GL2/TAW/17ØØ/11JAN
Count BFs for branch AH3 with ticketing arrangement TAW with account name ACCNME at 1815 for date range 11JAN through 15JANORC/AH3/TAW/ACCNME/1815/11JAN*15JAN
Count BFs with ticketing arrangement for a date range, 11JAN through 15 JANORC/TAU/11JAN*15JAN
Count BFs for branch DE1 with RB field for date range Ø7 DEC through 12 DECORC/DE1/RB/Ø7DEC*12DEC
Count BF’s created by agent MJ with RB field for queue 41 and date 25APRORC/RB/MJ/Q41/25APR

Note: If no date is entered, today’s date is assumed.

Move BFs with ticketing arrangement TAW for 11NOV, defaults to queue 9ORB/TAW/11NOV–Q
Place BFs with ticketing arrangement TAU for 17SEP on queue 31; (defaults to queue 1Ø when no queue stated)ORB/TAU/17SEP–Q/31
Move BFs with RB field for Ø1JUN to Queue 3Ø;
(defaults to queue 12 when no queue stated)
Optional Entries:/AH3
Branch office/MJ
Agent user sign-on initials of BF creator (2 Alpha chars.) RB counts only/Q41
Destination queue number – RB counts only Account name/ACCNME
Ticketing date range/11JAN*15JAN
Place on queue 28Q/28
Move BFs for branch AH3, with ticketing arrangement TAW for account ACCNME at 1815, for range 11JAN through 15JAN, defaults to Queue 9ORB/AH3/TAW/ACCNME/1815/11JAN*15JAN–Q
Move BFs with ticketing arrangement TAW for account ACCNME on 12JAN, to queue 45ORB/TAW/ACCNME/12JAN–Q/45
Place BFs with ticketing arrangement TAU for 17SEP – 22SEP on queue 31ORB/TAU/17SEP*22SEP–Q/31
Place BFs with RB field for 17SEP on queue 46 of branch DM5ORB/RB/17SEP–Q/DM5/46
Move BF’s created by agent MJ at agency XX1 with RB field for queue 41 and date range 25APR-3ØAPR to queue 31 of branch XXØORB/XX1/RB/MJ/Q41/25APR*3ØAPR-Q/XXØ/31

Received from passengerR.P
Received from Mr R JonesR.JONES/RMR
Change the received from item (entered this transaction) to Mr J FavretR.@FAVRET/JMR
Delete the received from item (entered this transaction)R.@
Display received from field*RV
FOP cashF.S
FOP chequeF.CK
FOP invoice with mandatory free text (max. 38 characters)F.INV FREE TEXT
FOP miscellaneous with optional free text (max. 39
FOP NON REF with optional freetext (Max. 35 characters)F.NONREFFREE TEXT
FOP credit card number (2 letter vendor code optional) with expiry date, extended paymentF.AX3739123456789Ø1/D1297/E
FOP credit card number (2 letter vendor code optional) with expiry date, extended payment (numeric code optional)F.AX3739123456789Ø1/D1297/EØ3
FOP credit card when credit card company (XY) does not have an agreement with GalileoF.CCXY123456789234/D1297
Change FOP field to new dataF.@ NEW DATA
Delete FOP fieldF.@
Display FOP field*FOP

Written address with 5 subfields including postal codeW.MR.D.BONNERS29 ST PAULS AVEKENTONMIDDXP/HA39SP
Related address with 5 subfields including postal codeRA.JAZZMIN2ØASCHAM ROADSWINDONWILTSP/SN5 6BG
Change written address and postal codeW.@MRS R GERALD82 BEDFORD ROADEAST
Change second subfield of written addressW.@2*82 BEDFORD AVENUE
Change second subfield of delivery addressD.@2*NORTH ENTRANCE
Change related address and postal code; item numberRA.1@MR RYANTS*14 SEAVIEW
must be specified even when only one related address field existsROADDORSETP/DR6 5SD
Change second subfield of related addressRA.1@2*16 LARCHMOOR CLOSE
Insert new data after the third subfield of the written addressW.@/3*NEW DATA
Insert new data after the third subfield of the delivery addressD.@/3*NEW DATA
Insert new data after the fourth subfield of the first related addressRA.1@/4*NEW DATA
Delete entire written address fieldW.@
Delete entire delivery address fieldD.@
Delete entire first related address fieldRA.1@
Delete second subfield of the written addressW.@2*
Delete second subfield of the delivery addressD.@2*
Delete second subfield of the first related addressRA.1@2*
Display written address only*AW
Display delivery address only*AD
Display delivery, written and related address fields*AA
Enter TW mileage card number for passenger 2M.P2/TW1234567PM
Enter KL mileage card number for BF with a single
Enter TW/AA mileage card numbers for passenger 2M.P2/TW123456LRG–AA423188DLM
Enter UA mileage card number for passenger 1,
specifying Cross Accrual participants BD, LH and AC who are listed in the UA Mileage Membership
Agreement Table (Minimum 1, maximum 1Ø additional airlines)
Adds Cross Accrual participants TG and SK to a UA
mileage membership card that has already been entered into a booking for passenger 2 (Minimum 1, maximum 1Ø additional airlines)
Delete all mileage membership data for all passengersM.@
Delete all mileage membership data for passenger 2M.P2@
Delete all AA mileage membership data for all passengersM.AA@
Delete mileage membership data for passenger 1 on DLM.P1*DL@
Delete mileage membership data for passenger 1 on DL and passenger 2 on AAM.P1DL/P2AA@
Deletes Cross Accrual participants UK and NW from the KL mileage membership item in the booking for passenger 1 (Minimum 1, maximum 1Ø additional airlines)M.P1*KL/UK/NW@
Deletes all Cross Accrual participants from the UA
mileage membership item in the booking for passenger 2 (Minimum 1, maximum 1Ø additional airlines)
Display mileage membership data*MM
Displays a list of all airlines who have a Mileage
Membership Agreement Table
Displays the Mileage Membership Agreement Table for UA; this lists all those airlines who have an agreement with UA to accept UA mileage membership card numbers, for the accrual of benefits on their flightsM*UA

Create a notepad itemNP.TEXT
Create a notepad item with D qualifierNP.D*TEXT
Create a Historical notepad itemNP.H**TEXT
Create a Historical notepad item with G qualifierNP.H**TEXT
Create a Confidential notepad itemNP.C**TEXT
Create a Confidential notepad with qualifier MNP.CM*TEXT
Create a notepad item with VM as double qualifierNP.VM*TEXT
Change second notepad itemNP.2@NEW TEXT
Change fourth notepad item with P qualifierNP.4@P*NEW TEXT
Insert a notepad item after second notepad itemNP./2TEXT
Insert a notepad item with V qualifier after third notepad itemNP./3V*TEXT
Delete second notepad itemNP.2@
Delete notepad items 1, 2, 3 and 5NP.1–3.5@
Display notepad items*NP
Display all notepad items with H qualifier*NPH
Display all Confidential notepad items*NPC*
Display all Confidential notepads with a D qualifier*NPCD
Display all Historical notepads only*NPH*


  1. Any letter may be used to qualify a notepad item in order to group items together.
  2. All notepad entries are stamped with a system generated Agent’s Sign on, Date and Time stamp. If the text in the notepad wraps around, then these details are shown in the second line of text.
  3. Historical notepad items are recorded in History only on change or deletion of an item, not on addition.
  4. Confidential notepad items are ONLY displayed to the owner (i.e. the creating agency) of the Booking File

Request a wheelchair for all passengers on all AIR
Request VLML for all passengers on segment 3 onlySI.S3/VLML
Passenger 3 is transporting 2 bicyclesSI.P3/BIKENN2
Add a VGML to the BF with status code BK for
passenger 2 on segment 3 only (will generate a message to the airline if cancelled )
Request SPML for passenger 2, segments 3 and 4: the special meal request must be followed by descriptive text (max. 18Ø characters)SI.P2S3.4/SPML*NO EGGS
Add a sports equipment request to the BF using BK status code with additional text for passengers 3 and 4, on segments 3 and 4 only (max. 18Ø characters)SI.P3.4S3.4/SPEQBK*PASSENGERS WILL BE CARRYING POLES FOR POLE VAULTING

Note: To add SSR information for an infant, add the details to the leading passenger name.

Asian vegetarian mealAVML
Baby mealBBML
Bland mealBLML
Child mealCHML
Diabetic mealDBML
Fruit platterFPML
Gluten free mealGFML
High fibre mealHFML
Hindu mealHNML
Kosher mealKSML
Low calorie mealLCML
Low fat/cholesterol mealLFML
Low protein mealLPML
Low sodium mealLSML
Moslem mealMOML
Non lactose mealNLML
Oriental mealORML
Low purine mealPRML
Raw vegetarian mealRVML
Sea food mealSFML
Special mealSPML
Vegetarian mealVGML
Vegetarian meal lacto-ovo (allows milk and eggs)VLML

Animal in holdAVIH
Blind passengerBLND
Bulky baggageBULK
Cabin baggageCBBG
Check-in informationCKIN
Commercial courierCOUR
Deaf passengerDEAF
Deportee (accompanied)DEPA
Deportee (unaccompanied)DEPU
Extra seatEXST
Fragile baggageFRAG
Group SeatGPST
Group fareGRPF
Language assistanceLANG
Meet and assistMAAS
Medical caseMEDA
Pet in cabinPETC
Ships crewSEMN
Sports equipmentSPEQ
Manually enter ticket numberTKNM
Transit without visaTWOV
Unaccompanied minorUMNR
Wheelchair (carry on)WCHC
Wheelchair (can climb stairs)WCHR
Wheelchair (cannot climb stairs)WCHS
Excess baggageXBAG
Own wheelchair – dry cell batteryWCBD
Own wheelchair – wet cell batteryWCBW
Wheelchair required on boardWCOB
Wheelchair – manual powerWCMP

Note: Some airlines use SI.YY* entries to advise ticket numbers. See OSIs for details.

Change status code of the WCHR for passenger 1 on segment 4 to HK; the SSR code is mandatorySI.P1S4/WCHR@HK
Change free text of SSR of all SPML items for passenger1; the SSR code is mandatorySI.P1/SPML@*NO EGGS
Cancels all Service Information from the BF (a
cancellation message will be sent)
Cancels all SSR items for passenger 1 on segment
number 2 (a cancellation message will be sent)
Cancels all SSR items for all passengers on segment 2 (a cancellation message will be sent)SI.S2@
Cancels the VGML request for passengers 3 through 5 on segments 2 and 4 (a cancellation message will be sent)SI.P3-5S2.4/VGML@
Removes the AVIH request for passenger 2 on segment 1 from the BF; no message is generatedSI.P2S1/AVIH@XK
Displays all SSR items*SI
Displays the Programmatic SSRs only*SR
Displays all Programmatic SSRs for passenger 2*SR/P2
Displays the VLML request for passenger 2 on segment 1*SR/P2S1/VLML

Note: Change only permitted on status codes and/or free format text. Otherwise delete and replace. See also INTRODUCTION “BOOKING CODES”.

Note: Unless the status is changed to XK, cancelling an SSR item will generate a message to the airline(s)

Add a mileage membership number for a carrier ZZ when the standard entry (M.) allows insufficient characters; or when airlines have agreements to accept each other’s membership codesSI.SSRFQTVZZHK1/ZZ1234567891234 -JOHNSON/SAMR
Add group fare details for carrier ZZSI.SSRGRPFZZ FREE TEXT
Passport information including passport number, country of issue, and passport holder’s name, date of birth and genderSI.SSRPSPTZZHK1/P987654321/US/1ØNOV6Ø/F/H–REED/RITAMRS
Passport information, passenger travelling with an infant on the same passport for all segments, showing infant’s date of birth and genderSI.SSRPSPTZZHK1/P987654321/US/17APR95/F–
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use Credit card as a form of ID for airport identificationSI.SSRFOIDYYHK1/CC4921123456789Ø12–
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use a British driving license for airport identificationSI.SSRFOIDYYHK1/DLGB12341234–1SMITH/JMR
Passenger SMITH will use a frequent flyer card for
airport identification
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use a passport for airport identificationSI.SSRFOIDYYHK1/PP–1SMITH/JMR
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use a national identity card for airport identificationSI.SSRFOIDYYHK1/NI55511123A–1SMITH/JMR
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use a confirmation number or record locator for airport identificationSI.SSRFOIDYYHK1/CNHJ48JG–1SMITH/JMR
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use a ticket number for
airport identification
Passenger SMITH/JMR will use a locally defined ID
number for airport identification
Bob Smith (phone number GB44 181 555 6662) is the emergency contact for passenger Smith/JMRSI.SSRPCTCYYHK1/BOB SMITH/GB44 181 555
IT Travel Services (phone number FR33 4 9294 ØØ22) is the emergency contact for Petit/NMRSI.SSRPCTCBAHK1/IT TRAVEL SERVICES/FR33 4
Cancels the SSR item number 2; a cancellation message is generatedSI.2@
Removes the SSR item number 2 from the BF; no
cancellation message is generated
Display all Service Information*SI
Display Other Service Information*SO

Note: YY is the carrier code

Note: A cancellation message will be generated unless the status code is changed to XK

Advise all airlines (YY) in BF that passenger is a child aged 5 yearsSI.YY*1 CHD AGED 5
Advise airline KL, passenger is a VIPSI.KL*VIP HARRIES/RMR FILM STAR
Advise airline of ticket number (where ZZ is the carrier code)SI.ZZ*TKNM123456789Ø12Ø3
Change item number 1 to NEW TEXTSI.1@BA*NEW TEXT
Delete item number 2SI.2@
Delete item numbers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8SI.2–4.6.8@
Display all OSIs*SO
Display all Service Information*SI

Note: Check GC*2ØØ/5 for a description of airlines using SI.TKNM entries.

Send message to airline vendor KQV.AKQ*PLEASE ADVISE COST OF KENNEL
Change airline vendor remark number 2 for TP; only valid on current transactionV.2@ATP*PLEASE CONFIRM FLIGHT TIMINGS
Deletes vendor remark number 2V.2@
Deletes vendor remark numbers 2 through 4V.2–4@
Deletes vendor remark numbers 2 and 5V.2.5@
Display all incoming and outgoing vendor remarks*VR
Display all incoming vendor remarks*VI
Display all outgoing vendor remarks*VO
Divide name 1 from BFDP1
Divide names 1 through 3 and 6 from BFDP1–3.6
Divide 1Ø unnamed individuals from groupDG/1Ø
Divide 5 unnamed individuals from group and individuals 21 through 23 (named individuals)DG/5.P21–23

End TransactE or ET
End Transact and create/file BF for another Selective Access subscriber/userET/pcc
End Transact and redisplay previously requested name listEL
End Transact and retrieve same BFER
End Transact and place the BF on queue 43QEB/43
Ignore BF (but Client File reference remains)I
Ignore and retrieve Booking File in original stateIR
Ignores current BF and Client FileIALL
Retrieve BF by record locator number*3WG6BD
Retrieve BF by name*–WILLIAMS/CMR
Retrieve BF for infant WHITE*–I/WHITE
Retrieve BF for WHITE and display name field onl–WHITE+N
Retrieve BF for BLACK and display Name field and
Retrieve BF by date of departure and passenger name*28JUN–WHITTAKER/EMRS
Retrieve BF by flight number and name with today’s date assumed*KL791–ANDRECHYN
Retrieve BF by flight number, date of departure and name*SR791/12APR–LEWIS/KMS
Retrieve BF by flight number, boardpoint and name with today’s date assumed*OS441/VIE–HARRIES/RMR
Retrieve BF by flight number, date of departure,
boardpoint and name
Retrieve BF by flight number, city pair and name, with today’s date assumed*UA124/LGADCA–PITCHER/JMISS
Retrieve BF by flight number, date of departure, city pair and name*SN239/18AUGBRULHR–BURDETT/PMR
Retrieve all BFs in which the name begins with a “C”*–C*
Retrieve group booking*–G/EUROPARTY
Retrieve the Booking for passenger WHITE created in branch pseudo city HK7**HK7–WHITE
Retrieve from the Apollo® system by Record Locator1V/32N6WY
Retrieve from Apollo by flight number, date, origin and name1V/US11Ø/17MAYPHX–EICHORN
Retrieve from Apollo by specific branch pseudo city and name1V/*LQ4–JOHNSON
Retrieve BF for BLACK created in pseudo city HK7 and display Name field and itinerary only*HK7–BLACK+N.I
Retrieve BF by branch agency HK7, date of departure and name**HK7/15MAR–ANDERSON/EMS
Retrieve BF with same name, for all branch agencies**B–KING/JMS
Retrieve from Apollo by name, all branches1V/*B–KING
Retrieve BF by name, and date of departure, for all
branch agencies
Retrieve from Apollo by date and name, all branches1V/*B/27JUL–HASLER
Retrieve group booking created in pseudo city HK7**HK7–G/EUROPARTY
Retrieve a Booking File created by Affiliate with code AFFIL with travel date**A–AFFIL/12JUN–MAISEY
Retrieve from Apollo by Affiliate code name1V/*A–USDOM–PEARCE
Retrieve a Booking File for passenger Maisey created by an affiliate with code AFFIL**A–AFFIL–MAISEY
Retrieve from Apollo by Affiliate code name and date1V/*A–USDOM/28NOV–WINKLES
Redisplay name list*L
Display more exact or similar matching names
Display name number 3 from numbered name list*3
Retrieve passenger Name Record (PNR) from airline ZZ with record locator RMMEQH to use Ticketing FacilityZZ/RMMEQH

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