How to add frequent flyer Number in Amadeus -Amadeus FFN Entry

How to add frequent flyer Number in Amadeus: In Amadeus, a frequent flyer is a program member who accumulates points or miles for travel on a particular airline. These points or miles can be redeemed for rewards such as free flights, upgrades, or other perks.

Amadeus is a computer reservation system used by many airlines to manage their frequent flyer programs and other aspects of their operations. The frequent flyer information is usually stored in the passenger’s profile in Amadeus, allowing the airline to track the passenger’s loyalty status and provide personalized services.

How to add frequent flyer Number in Amadeus

The transaction codes you may use to automatically generate SSR components for frequent flier (FF) passengers are described in this article. The mentioned transaction codes consist of:

  • FFDSK-EBB097609218
  • FFASK-EBB097609218
  • FFNFI-111054428911/P1
  • FFRIB-55555555

FFDDisplay a frequent flyer name from the airline’s database
FFACreate a name and SSR element to:
1 – Accrue mileage from airlines with frequent flyer agreements
2 – send to other airlines with frequent flyer agreements
3 – associate segments
FFNCreate a frequent flyer SSR element:
1 – for all databases
2 – for multiple name elements
3 – for a specific airline
FFRCreate a frequent flyer SSR to redeem accrued miles for:
1 – a passenger
2 – a passenger who is not the frequent flyer card owner
FFUUpgrade a passenger by redeeming miles

FFD – Display a frequent flyer name from the airline’s database

For every airline that maintains its frequent flyer (FF) database in Amadeus, use the FFD transaction code to show a frequent flyer name. This displays the name’s placement in the FF database.

Enter, for example:


FFDTransaction code
SKAirline code
EBB097609218Dash, frequent flyer number

System response:

Enter GGPCAYY, where YY is the airline code, to see if a certain airline’s frequent flyer database is present in Amadeus.

System reaction:

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