Airlines PNR Status Codes – Ticket Status Codes

Airlines PNR Status Codes: Some e-ticket status might not be used or supported by all airlines, depending on the airline’s e-ticket server configuration. The following table lists of all existing e-ticket status. The remarks below will help you to validate whether a transaction is permitted on a specific status code.

Airlines PNR Status Codes – Ticket Status Codes

A status code indicates the status of an air segment. The status is an important indicator of what status the flight segment is in. This can indicate the carrier has confirmed the segment, the segment is on waitlist, a schedule change has been received from the carrier, and many other possibilities.

The following status codes can be returned for an Air Segment.

Status CodeCode Descriptions
AFAA Advantage ticket
AKPassive – Confirmed outside Galileo system (This is only applicable in 1G)
ALPassive- Waitlisted outside Galileo system (This is only applicable in 1G)
ANPassive- Requested outside Galileo system (This is only applicable in 1G)
BKPassive- Booked with carrier. Will generate message to carrier when air segment is cancelled.
BLPassive- Waitlist segment
BNRequested outside Galileo system
CHPassive- Code share holds confirmed
CKAdvance check-in. Boarding pass issued
CSCode share sell segment
DKLink book last seat
DLDeferred waitlist
DSDesires segment
DXPassive – Broken marriage / Active-Authorized partial cancellation within a marriage
EKEMD confirmed
FSFree sale
GFFirm booking
GKGuaranteed/Merged. Also used in 1V as Passive – Group confirmed
GLWaitlist with carrier
GNGroup booking
GONo action taken on group request.
HAHave requested. Airline requested one of their own segments
HDHolding confirmed; EMD required
HIHolding confirmed EMD issued (EMD can only be issued if Ticket is Issued)
HKHolds confirmed
HLHolds waitlist
HNHolds need/confirmed
HQSpace prev. request
HSCO changes
HWHave waitlisted. Airline waitlisted one of their own segments
HXCancel confirm hold
IGInvoluntary upgrade
IHInhibit status code
IKInfant no seat
INIf not holding need
ISIf not holding sell
IXIf holding cancel
KKCarrier confirmed
KLWaitlist confirmed
LKPassive – Link booking – guaranteed sell
LLAdd to waitlist
MBMove reaccommodating – Pax was on standby status for flight affected
MKNon messaging Passive segment.
MNNot available
NANeed alternate
NNRequesting segment
NONo action taken
NSNo show
OXCancel only if requested segment is available
PAPriority waitlist-emergency travel
PBPriority waitlist
PCPriority waitlist
PDPriority waitlist
PKDiscounted passenger.
PNPending need
PWPriority waitlist
SBBoarded standBy
SCSchedule change
SDSchedule change/re-booking; EMD already issued. Document number must be included in the SSR
SPPassive-space protected
SQSpace request – bilateral use
SSSell segment
TKSchedule Change. Advise passenger of new scheduled times.
TLSchedule change waitlist. Advise passenger of new scheduled times.
TNSchedule change. Is Pending Need. Advise passenger of new scheduled times.
UCUnable to confirm or waitlist
UNUnable – no flight
USUnable to sell
UUUnable to confirm. Waitlist requested
WKSchedule change of a confirmed segment
WLSchedule change of a waitlisted segment
WNSchedule change of a needed segment
XKCancel seg with change
XXCancel segment
YGInvoluntary upgrade
YKHold confirmed Airline space

Status codes that may only be set by an airline, provided that the change is permitted in accordance with ATA resolution 20.60 or IATA resolution 722f as applicable.

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